Monday, July 31, 2006

Wii prove our promise

And u'll see what you wanted to see months ago...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wii prices

Welcome back guys

I'm still here, even if you think I'm a fake. You keep reading my blog and I'd like to thank u in advance for your visit, all I can do is keep updating that blog...until the end.

So let's talk about Wii prices in the three markets: USA, Europe and, of course, Japan.

Like I said months ago, Wii launch will be amazing cuz Wii will be the one system that will have a lot of games at the first day. About 40 games...including "Hallo Killer" (You don't know anything about that game yet...).

In USA, Wii will cost about $250. In Europe €250 and in Japan will cost about 35,000 yen.
It includes a game and a demo and a Secure Digitial memory card (512MB) to can download games from the Virtual Console and, of course, your music from games (B.S.O) will download trailers 2, cuz Nintendo will launch movies...

You can handle ur music with Wii, listen the radio...etc.
There will be Wii packs, with 2 Wii pads and with a game that you can choose.
Stay alert, cuz I have something interesting to time

See u later

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


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Wednesday, July 19, 2006


A Nintendo rep also PR'd IGN with the following statement: "There are many details that we've divulged about the console, but there is also more to learn."

Monday, July 10, 2006

And all you need to know is...

hey, Welcome back

Maybe all you think I have felt behind...but you wrong cuz I'm still here, and I'm updating my blog for a lot of time. Until Wii is released. Today, I'm gonna talk about the I-adapter concept. It turns into an interesintg concept. Before my info, see the next pic:

You can see what I want to explain. It is from...I can't tell you yet. But you can imagine where I got that pic. It is the first pic from the Wii marketing. A TV spot. I can't tell you what is what you see there, cuz is a secret yet. But you can see the I-adapter effect. It is only a metaphor. What can it do. The i-adapter. You are fighting, I-adapter is adapting the game according the sensations that you're receiving. Such as hot.

And Nintendo goes so far away...You've seen wii's pad has sound. you remember when I sed you can listen your BSO (from games like Zelda...)? yeah, of course.

Despite what you see, Wii graphics are so amazing as his rivals. And I'm sure. Nintendo won't fall behind in the race. Nintendo has always been working for a good graphics without exception. I mean, Nintendo won't change that concept, Nintendo will combine both things. game experience plus graphics. And ATI knows that... Nintendo doesn't give up on it.

Figure out what I want to say...I hope you find the right way.


P.D: Sega

Monday, July 03, 2006

It's like...

EnerGy System 2006