Monday, September 12, 2005

The GameS of revolution

Welcome back guys

Despite I'm not updating my blog everyday, I continue posting here.
16, 17, 18 are important days. Maybe all you know what are these days.

Revolution, and I'm sure, will be there. Maybe, you won't see it at the first day. And when I say "see it", I mean a revolutionary demonstration.
It is the most important part, and, like you know, the most important part is the controller pad.
I'm not gonna tell you why, but, I can say the most important "mision" is show to anybody the revolutionary idea, you'll feel in the game, when these feeling are transmitted by the controller pad(...)

With this "mision", will be there a lot of companies, such as Capcom, Konami, Sega, Zoonami, Square-Enix, Activision, Electronic Arts, Namco...
I think it will be the best show you've ever seen. Nintendo Revolution will blow any system away. It's Nintendo Time.

New franchises are developed. And from these companies, you'll see important games.
Hideo Kojima is...(...). No, not yet. I'm not gonna say it. You'll see.
You've been waiting, you'll see it. You'll enjoy it.

See you later...before 16,17,18...



Blogger Shoxware Games said...

Okay, okay. So the Revolution won't be revealed at the first day of TGS... BUT Nintendo has NO appeareance at the show itself. Iwata is only holding a speech before the show starts, so the Revolution must be revealed there!

You think the Revo's name is RS? What is RS all about? "Revolution System"?

And please stop things like "it's gonna OWN, cuz' noone knows that - and even not YOU! - Just wait and see...

3:48 PM  

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