Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Revolution's Games

Welcome back guys,

I'ts my time, I'm gonna take it
I keep writing here. Writing words that aren't writed every day though.
Words that for some people aren't the truth. But I'm not here to tell you what is the truth
or not.
I'm here to write my blog for those who are still believing in me.
I respect your opinion but you don't respect me yet. I don't care it.

Who knows? For you, maybe I'm saying the truth or maybe I'm a "bullshiter". I know who am I. I'm Osoko Tanaka.

So today I'm gonna talk about "Revolution Games". Yeah, cause it will be a revolutionary part.

Games are the most important thing for a videogame system. But we can't always play to the same thing.
We could be bored on it.
Nintendo has thought on it. Revolution will let you to play on a different way.
And like I said, it will be thanks to the controller pad.

But...What has the controller pad to be the most important thing?

With this controller pad you'll can feel things.
You'll wonder why, doesn't it?

Sorry but I can't speak about it so much. But let me tell you guy it will have a GREAT TECHNOLOGY.
We need a technology to can feel the things, doesn't it?
And what things do we feel? (...)

What about games?
Nintendo is working too hard on it. And we'll see a new second party working with Nintendo.
And let me tell you all companies are too impressed on Revolution. They thought it will be the greatest system for the next generation system. SEGA thinks so. Konami too.
Hideo Kojima has talked about the next generation and he said some interesting things. Yeah, we'll see a perfect konami game for Revolution. Exclusive for Revolution. ONLY for revolution...why?
Cause Revolution is the one system who can let play this kind of game.
PS3 and Xbox360 can't handle this kind of game.

I'll keep writing about Revolution's Games. But that's all today.


Blogger Fletcher said...

Why in the heck don't you post something new and interesting. Like the controller will have

1. This
2. And This
3. And This
4. This is the coolest part

Tell us something awesome

6:09 PM  
Blogger Zounds said...

Its good to see you post again, I was looking forward to it as always.
Some weird things went down at E3, regarding Nintendo.. That is why I still believe you. You gave us lots information that turned out to be pretty spot-on, so I see no reason to discredit you just yet.
I look forward to your next hint, Mr.Tanaka.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Mattias said...

For crying out loud, folks, you're demanding too much for these people. Haven't you've worked under strict conditions before? If you give out anything that you are not SUPPOSED to give out, you could get in LEGAL TROUBLE.

Leave the guy alone and let him say what he's permitted to say.

6:33 AM  
Blogger Osoko Tanaka said...

Hi guys

I forgot to say:

I've disabled the anonymous feature cause there were some people who didn't know to respect my blog and so they did "spam". And the blog wasn't run well.

To comment something, you should be registered.
Sorry for any trouble on it.

P.D: I'll answer some of your answers in the next blog.

7:52 AM  
Blogger Mattias said...

Anyway, I have a question:

Since you're saying that these developers will be putting out games that only the Revolution can handle, is it simply because of visual performance, or is it more than that?

Thanks. :)

9:01 AM  
Blogger Master Bratak said...

Hello Mr.Tanaka!

I believe in you, I read your posts/hints everyday and I am greatly interested in The nintendo revolution system.
I have heard other truthfull info about a cooling system from "innovatek" apparently 125% more efficient/low power/moresilent... to be used in the nintendo revolution.
Can u confirm this information?

Also an interesting patent has appeared in the US patent website concerning nintendo, about "cube-mapping".
Does this have anything to do with nintendo revolution?

Thankyou for your time.I am looking forward to your reply!

9:43 AM  
Blogger szhred said...

Hmm wonder if you speed the truth aleast we know that Nintendo is up to something, and is going to be something diffrent. I truly hope is going to be good.

At least tell us when they are going to show us the Rev?

12:12 PM  
Blogger Master Bratak said...

there's this also for anyone interested!

5:54 AM  
Blogger Master Bratak said...

hello,well amuro what you're saying sounds real unlikely for many reasons partly because you wouldn't be able to play the old games (no TV !?)

Oh and blog is updated for any interested:

The truth is out there...

10:54 AM  

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