Wednesday, December 07, 2005


What? Why? What is the reason? Why should you be disappointed?
No, you don't have any reason to be like this way cause you don't see anything...

You should figure out the real revolution, like says that name...

The "secret", like Mr. Miyamoto said. The great BOOM. The real secret(...).

Maybe you may think I'm a fake, but I don't care, really, I don't care, I keep writing my blog, cause is a space that I use to write the true... Cause I know I'm not a fake, I'm Osoko Tanaka and I like to write the things which a lot of people read.
Although if there is someone who says I'm a fake and show you a "proof", you should say "Wow, that's true..." .
That's pathetic, don't you think? You can trust all the things you can consider true. I can't say what should you do. I know what I'm doing.

Otherwise, I said Broadway project was concluded. But I didn't speak about Hollywood.
Let me tell you...

Hollywood + Broadway = THE REAL SECRET

Iwata said "you'll say WOW with graphics", If you don't trust in me, please, trust in sir Iwata...
Broadway is a great Dual core and it ONLY WORKS ON ITS THE BEST POWER with Hollywood.
With a few polygons, you can see a great results.

You can comprove it here.

So the question is...Why should we make a powerful system if we can have best results with a small system?
And it means, more cheap, best results on graphics, best than XBOX360...AND I'M TOO SURE.

While XBOX360 burns if you are playing with that system for hours, with Revolution, if you play with it for DAYS, it won't burn. More power means "Burn". Nintendo has created a system that can handles more power than XBOX360 in a small system.
The Interface and BH, are the perfection.
That's the real secret, and you'll comprove it when you see the games. Cause you don't see anything yet. NOTHING.

You should be disappointed, then you'll say "WOW". If you are not disappointed, you won't say "WOW"

See you guys...


Blogger Rafael Marín said...

If "Hollywood" and "Broadway" are not enough powerful than XBOX 360, why IBM and ATI they have been taken much time to develope both chips?? That´s something very strange, and that's why I don't believe in IGN recent article.

10:35 PM  
Blogger RGB said...

"Maybe you may think I'm a fake, but I don't care, really, I don't care, I keep writing my blog, cause is a space that I use to write the true... Cause I know I'm not a fake, I'm Osoko Tanaka and I like to write the things which a lot of people read.
Although if there is someone who says I'm a fake and show you a "proof", you should say "Wow, that's true..." .
That's pathetic, don't you think? You can trust all the things you can consider true. I can't say what should you do. I know what I'm doing."

Umm if you dont care why do you keep bringing it up? You retarded retard!!

You also do not have many readers so keep dreaming in that little mind of yours.

Superjim, when the hell has he ever been right? All he has been is vague from day one. Exactly what Star sign readers do and people believe their crap.

As for your Lord, dont get disappointed yet just because of some simple specs. There is more to the Rev and supposedly the biggest secret has not been revealed. And that biggest secret is not to do with the controller, that has been misinterpreted.

2:24 AM  
Blogger RGB said...

No he doesnt, he says it will be easy to port games to the rev. Although he doesnt say it directly it is a hint its not going to be as weak as some have made it out to be thus far.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Zounds said...


8:45 PM  
Blogger Zounds said...

"You really want to us believe you, then write about the Revo, write something we never heard before, and if this then comes true then yes."

That's just the thing, He doesn't want us to believe him, he's just posting whether we do or not.

I really don't understand why people like to shit all over this blog, whether real or otherwise.

7:32 AM  
Blogger RGB said...

Gee you two are the most gullible turds there'd have to be that I just about feel sorry for you.

You believe what he says but you think the msn thing is fake!! I cant understand your logic.

From the MSN thing being true or not, I still dont see any reason to believe this guy. He has been vague, he has never said that has ever come true, and he has claimed things that arent even true. And there are many of those if you bother to go and read all his bullshit.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Zounds said...

So are you saying that we are not responsible for our own expectations? If we hype something up so emmense that we are bound to be dissapointed, it is no our own fault?

You are doing nothing helpful to us by playing the role of authority.

6:20 AM  
Blogger Zounds said...

Whether you like it or not, this blog is above all else, entertainment.

Of course nobody likes people spreading rumors and lies, but please fight that elsewhere, leave us alone.
If someone mentions Tanaka somewhere else, then go ahead and list your reasons why he's fake, but not here.

7:09 PM  
Blogger Blizz419 said...

this blogg just proves my theory of how incredibly dumb people can be, what are most of you from the southern US or somethin with a seriously inbred background.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Zounds said...

If you were watching a movie, would you want someone next to you to be constantly complaining about how bad they think the movie is? I don't think you would.
Its a bit of a stretch, but its essentially the same thing: we are here to enjoy this blog, and you keep booing and hissing, and generally just not letting other people enjoy it.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Zounds said...

"Nintendo To Displace Revolution???
A newly discovered patent shows how Reggie's porting claims may be substantiated...

Despite the lack of figures it's been known for some time that the Revolution won't be powered to the levels of Xbox 360 or PlayStation3, but last weeks claims by Reggie Fils-Amis that third-party ports for the next-gen system "...can be as easy or as complex as a team wants it to be..." will have had many pondering as to how that can be accomplished.

A recent patent filed at the US Patent Office, number 6,971,957, describes how Nintendo aims to utilise Displacement Mapping techniques to cut down on the processing power required to generated high quality models. Displacement Mapping is a technique where a high-quality mesh physically transforms (displaces) a lower-quality object. Using the technique, a displacement map can be placed over a mesh of only a few hundred polygons and still look as comparable to a model consisting over thousands, even millions, of polygons. What this means in effect is that by using displacement mapping, Revolution games could look as good as Xbox 360/PlayStation3 titles without the need for high-powered processors such as CELL.

Techniques to create an illusion of depth such as Bump Mapping, have merely faked an impression of depth; what Displacement Mapping does is actually create that depth, and was a technique used WETA Digital to create the Cave Trolls in Lord of the Rings. The next-generation of systems will be the first to take advantage of the technique, with Microsoft filing for a similar patent with regards to the Xbox 360, so never mind this round of the console wars being the "HD-era", it could instead be the age of displacement.

Whether this patent is the smoking gun to Fils-Amis' claims will have to be seen when titles for the Revolution are unveiled in 2006, but it certainly continues to build up the intrigue around the next-gen system.


12:18 AM  
Blogger RGB said...

Why dont you let Osoko Gaynaka post this stuff as thats all he does, be vague and post other sites info cause he has/knows none.

6:57 AM  
Blogger Zounds said...

Osoko has been talking about Rev using Displacement for a long time now, the whole "greater graphics with littler power" thing.

Think he simply predicted this? Would anyone? It certainly took me by surprise.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Tommy said...

Interesting picture you've got there. It's tough to understand how that happens...if it's real...

9:17 AM  
Blogger Zounds said...

IIRC, Osoko never said anything about NRUBS directly, he may have hinted at it because of the "less polygons = more" but Me and a few other people jumped to the NRUBS conclusion because NURBS techically isn't really using polyogns.
However, he dirrectly reffered to displacement mapping in his last post, just check the file name.

To those of you who still want to disprove him, just wait until there are no more secrets about the Revolution. We will know by then.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Zounds said...

And so he isn't lieing. Just passing on news and information.

4:19 PM  
Blogger RGB said...

You are a total tossbag Zounds.

His lied and claimed many things so cut the BS in defending him. You only make yourself look worse.

6:18 PM  
Blogger RGB said...

F-off mate, you sit here continually defending his bullshit so dont tell me you leave comments here and not comment on credibility.

Grow a brain and I will comment where I please and continually call both you & Zounds gullible fools until you stop believing his nonsense which has been disproved a few times already.

His Mr Vague because he knows as much as we do. And he twists his words because once again he knows as much as we do.

Sure you can make comments and speculate on rev but stop being at the defense of this BS artist. If these fools werent around we would be able to read valid info as it is released. He was (I say WAS because no one bothers to visit here anymore because his already be proven to be fake) only giving people info which isnt real and hurts Nintendo's image and leads to some people being disappointed.

1:48 AM  
Blogger Blizz419 said...

LMAO at those who still believe this guy

10:11 AM  

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