Saturday, December 09, 2006

How is your Wii experience?

Let me know what do you think about wii. I'm gonna read all your coments...and I'm gonna let you know the real meanning of that blog...


Blogger lala said...

I don't have Wii yet, but I'm going to get one, that's for sure!
I really like the idea of the controller and I like the sort of games that exists today, and those who are coming. The only thing that let me down was that this "super graphic power" turned out to be nothing! I really hoped it would turn out to be true, but I guess you can't have everything that you wish. I don't know what your meaning with this blog is, but what I do know is that I followed it in almost a year, and I can admit it was an entertaining one!

2:50 PM  
Blogger wurliz said...

hey dude. you´ve wasted, how much time on this blog..? I find it amusing to read nevertheless but you need to get a life, a grip on reality, or something.
thx anyway! It´s been fun watching you making an ass out of yourself, for a looooong time now.
keep up the.. work

8:03 PM  
Blogger megaman X is the best game of Sness said...

I guess this blogg has the same goal that "Nintendo On" video. This blog has to create hype in the videogame consumers with the purpose they demand more "innovation" in a videogame console with the code name REVOLUTION. Its obvious that the name "revolution" to be a lot to be desired and the name REVOLUTION is too much for Wii cos the wiipad isn´t a big change in game world.
I´m desired with Wii and Nintendo, I thik play station 3 is more revolutionary that nintendo wii and sony didn´t has to creat hype.

Osoko Tanaka, are´t you Pablo Belmonte?

11:57 AM  
Blogger GWX said...

What blog are you talking about osoka?

Look friend.
Even I think this is over with.
The Wii will have graphics that will keep gamers happy enough.

Nintendo core fans(like me) will be happy..New gamers(non-gamers) will be happy as long as the Wii-mote is used innovatively the graphics wont matter!

But the power you spoke of osoko. I do not believe Wii has more under its hood than an ORIGINAL Xbox could muster.
That IS the truth.
I think though that through optimisation (just like gamecube was the est optimised machine)the Wii could probably BEAT the original Xbox...but that about as far as it goes.

Osoko, do yourself a favour. Close the blog.
Seriousgamer007 (another blogger) did the same, he finally admitted he was fake, then the blog died.

Close the blog Osoko, nobody believes in this nonsense anymore.

I hope you got a Wii or are going to get one.

Its time to stop this ridicukous farce going.

But you know maybe your making mony from this blog.
Everytime I come her a pop windows used to come up with advertisements.
That is wh I think you dont want to close it.
But you should. Thats my advice to you.
Why keep this farce(lie)up?

12:23 PM  

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