Monday, March 13, 2006

Matt, u should talk more, don't u think?

The other secret, the I-adapter, the real Revolution, The another puzzle's part. See my schedule, and ckeck on when u will see the other demonstration(...).

But, don't think you will discover all u need to know about Revolution, the E3 is not here yet, and Nintendo will wait until that day to Show u all u want to know. But, at least, u'll discover a little more. Let me tell u, u have never seen that peripherial.

And it is not a glasses, it is...Thin, small, white, and wireless(...).


Blogger GWX said...

Osaka, I have to say. I have been following since long ago, late 2004 or early 2005...whenever, I can't quite remember.
Back then you were labeled off as fake. But unbelievable after "died out"... the last thing he showed was some picture--a DARK dark dark picture, in which you could not make out exactly what it was...Except it had Metroid Prime 2 Echoes running on what seemed to be a TV inside a BIG BLACK?? cylinder shaped thing...
Anyway, When I returned to your blog, saw what you had, I realised there is some truth to what your saying. I found out your not a fake! Then when you had the site was it! I follow your blog and emagindev every day now!
And I KNOW now that SOMTHING will be revealed at GDC...I figured that myself aready, AND its only a months and few weeks after that until the BIG BIG announcements!!!

I think we are going to TURN our homes nito VR centres...and ALL Living rooms can connect VIA WIFI t other gamers living rooms/ one big VIRTUAL...MATRIX!!!
I hope SONY isnt doing anything similar with EYETOY?

4:25 PM  
Blogger GWX said...

...about my last post....
I meant to say
think we are going to TURN our homes INTO<-- VR centres...and ALL Living rooms can connect VIA WIFI t other gamers living rooms/ one big VIRTUAL...MATRIX!!!

and also This picture: .... What Matt Cassamasina released on IGN is refering to the "MEGATON"...A HUGE UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT BY Nintendo!
Yamauichi's vision from long ago is almost HERE!

4:40 PM  
Blogger Tortus said...

uh... Matt?

10:50 PM  
Blogger RGB said...

Most likely adapter:

Osoko is not really Japanese and he is speaking about his detachable (wireless) small white dildo cock........with vibration.

7:00 AM  
Blogger RGB said...

It's been proven many times that he is a fake so why bother?

I dont know why he continues with his bs. Maybe its all the retards that still continue to believe him.

5:24 PM  

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